Introduction: a paragraph about the experimental set up and the purpose of conducting the experiment
Materials and method: a detailed explanation of what was the experimental set up, animals, drugs, apparatus, etc
Results: a summary of the obtained data presented in a clearly labeled chart graph
Discussion: a detailed explanation and reasoning for the obtained results (please see foto)
Conclusion: a summary of the results of the experiment and your interpretation
Literature cited: list of direct references of journal articles, books .. MLA format.
Title and abstract. Submitted lab reports should begin with the name of the cour
Are you working on a similar assignment? Get a 100% unique paper on this topic that you can submit confidently TODAY! GET YOUR ANSWER TODAY! Title and abstract. Submitted lab reports should begin with the name of the course, instructor, an unambiguous informative title of the experiment (not just “lab 3”), date(s) the work was […]